Is your engine faulty and slowing down in performance? Are you wondering what the best oil to use for proper lubrication of engine parts and improved mobility of your automobile is? Read on to learn more about our ITR Prima XL synthetic engine oil and the characteristics that make it an excellent choice for your engine. 

Synthetic engine oils are artificial with chemical compounds made artificially to assist with engine performance. Modified materials made with chemicals that include petroleum, with crude oil used as the distilling component for the base material, make these oils. 

Keeping this in mind will help you differentiate synthetic oils from other types of engine oils and will allow you to make a suitable choice for your engine. Read on to learn more about our ITR prima XL synthetic oil and a few benefits it has on your engine performance. 

Reasons for using synthetic oil in your car

Today, people continue to buy new and pre-owned vehicles, and even with the engine problems that keep arising, most do not understand why you need to change the engine oil from time to time. The few that understand the benefits of changing petrol engine oil from time to time also understand the benefits of switching to synthetic lubricants. Below are the benefits. 

Better quality

You can tell that engine oil has excellent quality with characteristics that help prolong the engine’s life. The ITR prima XL synthetic, for instance, has exceptional viscosity. 

Kinematic Viscosity @ 40 °C (ASTM D 445): 80-90 and Kinematic Viscosity @100 °C (ASTM D 445): 13.5-14.0 not only makes it an excellent lubricant, and you can also drive your vehicle under different temperatures without fear of a failing engine. 

The oil goes through a refining process, resulting in consistent coating properties that work well with increased parts rubbing. 

Improved performance

Every car owner loves to feel the engine’s excellent performance while on the road. Different ITR products play a significant role in boosting the ability of your vehicle’s engine to perform. 

For instance, the ITR Prima XL synthetic oil helps the engine remain stable regardless of the miles you drive. The Renault RN 0700/710 improves lubrication when friction increases, while the Porsche A40 serves different engines and retains stability. 


How long does synthetic oil last? Oil is essential as it helps keep the car’s engine running through mechanical combustion. However, the oil you use will determine how much you need to change. Synthetic oils such as the ITR Prima XL are durable. The oil’s Viscosity Index (ASTM D 2270): of>160 protects the engine parts and helps them last longer. 

Extreme temperatures

There are vehicles you cannot drive under extreme temperatures. Engines overheat with increased friction, causing quick wear and tear of the engine parts. 

Synthetic oils, however, make it possible to drive, regardless of the temperature. Synthetic oils are heat resistant, meaning they do not break down fast. As a result, it increases your engine’s lifespan with improved performance. 

Synthetic engine oils give you all the reasons to switch from using conventional oils on your engine. The complex processes in making the synthetic oils great for use give them molecular qualities to help improve your engine performance. 

Our ITR Prima XL synthetic offers excellent protection on different engine parts, increasing its longevity. Get a quote for ITR PRIMA XL SY from ITR Lubricants today. 


What is the main ingredient in the ITR prima XL synthetic oil?

Synthetic oils come from chemically modified components such as petroleum. The base material in these oils is distilled crude oil. Any additives included in synthetic oils vary with different engine oil producers and car manufacturers.  

How long is ITR prima XL synthetic oil good for?

Manufacturers recommend using synthetic oil in your engine for six months to one year, after which you can change. While this is only an approximation, different factors, such as a faulty engine, may require frequent changes in the oil. 

Is ITR prima XL synthetic oil flammable?

Synthetic oils have fewer flammable properties compared to other motor oils. These oils are built with characteristics that make them resistant to extreme temperatures, helping them offer excellent protection to the engine and its parts.Â