An engine needs a proper coolant that comes in handy when you cannot contain the excess amount of heat generated in it as part of the power generation process. Read on to learn how the ITR coolant concentration increases the life of the engine.

Too much heat is harmful to your engine as it may wear out the engine components or damage it completely. But, with the ITR coolant concentrated, rest assured there’s always proper cooling, lubrication, rust, and corrosion prevention, which gives your engine a longer life. 

ITR Coolant not only transfers excess heat from the engine body to the radiator but also has antifreeze properties, which is essential in locations having severe winter conditions and helps with cold starting.

Why Use A Concentrated Coolant?

When you add chemicals called inhibitors to the coolant concentration, it helps to scale down the risks of rust and corrosion. The sole duty of an engine coolant is to maintain the engine temperature at appropriate levels. Failure to do so will result in your engine overheating.

Characteristics of a good engine coolant concentrated

Here are the ITR coolant concentrated characteristics that confirm its quality and eligibility for use in your engine:

  • Good heat transfer
  • Protecting against deposits
  • High-temperature protection
  • Safer Engine Operation
  • Effective maintenance of the cooling system

Good heat transfer

Engine operations cause heat accumulation over long periods of time, and this can cause wear and tear to the engine parts. ITR Coolant Concentrated helps to reduce this wear and tear by providing optimal lubrication.

Protecting against deposits

Engine carbon or deposits affect how well your engine works. The deposits are a result of excessive heating. The residue alters the performance of the machine, emissions and fuel economy. A vehicle meant to handle heavy-duty tasks begins to underperform.

High-temperature protection

When temperatures are too high, the oils used in your engine break down faster than they should. The more the breaking down continues, the more the deposits continue to build. The ITR coolant concentration reduces the effects of high temperatures. 

Safer engine operation

A colored coolant does not translate to a good antifreeze or anti-boil for your car. It’s essential to understand your engine’s needs first, then know how to choose the right coolant for your vehicle. When buying a coolant concentrate, ensure it has the ITR Antifreeze Long Life properties, which are compatible with all vehicle types.

One of the essentials to having a healthy engine life is deciding the right coolant concentration that manages the heat and maintains ambient engine temperature.

The antifreeze composition has improved thermal stability. For an ISO-certified ITR Coolant Italian production technology, 16 facilities, and 57 distributors, get a quote for ITR COOLANT CONCENTRATED from ITR lubricants today

Effective maintenance of the cooling system

ITR Coolant also lubricates the moving parts it comes into contact with, which protects against damage to the cooling system, which includes the water pump, coolant pump, hoses, radiator, and head gasket.

The ITR coolant concentrate contains additives like anti-corrosive agents, foam suppressors, and anti-rust agents and has also passed the ASTMD3306 corrosion test rule, which also helps critically in the performance of the cooling system.

A sealed coolant premixed has an indefinite life. Once you open the coolant premixed, it remains effective for several years if stored in its original container. Its life is prolonged by not mixing the coolant with water.


How do you calculate coolant concentration?

You will achieve the right coolant concentration values by multiplying the amount of coolant your vehicle can hold by the antifreeze levels specified by your vehicle manufacturer.

What happens when the coolant concentration is not strong enough?

A coolant concentration helps maintain engine temperature. Without a good coolant, your engine will overheat and corrode the engine material. Using an overheated engine over an extended period of time results in permanent damage to the pistons and engine cylinders.

What are the indications of low coolant concentration levels?

Leaks in the cooling system are the main cause of dropping coolant concentration levels. Signs of dropped coolant concentration include increased temperatures, sweet antifreeze odor, and mechanical hitches with your vehicle.

Can coolant levels be low even if you don’t see a leak?

A reduced coolant level with no sign or evidence of an external leak could be leaking from inside your vehicle’s engine. This mostly arises after a recent overheating issue, which caused the gasket to fail.